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My work is my passion, please enjoy by clicking on the thumbnails below.

Auld Brig SligachanAuld Brig Sligachan AquilegiaAquilegia Autumn on GlamaigAutumn on Glamaig Crofters CottageCrofters Cottage Hidden HeronsHidden Herons Homage to W.B. YeatsHomage to W.B. Yeats Jacobite RoseJacobite Rose KohlrabiKohlrabi Under the SeaUnder the Sea lightbox phototm gallery softwareby VisualLightBox.com v5.7

diane@artistlife.com     +(0) 1470 592 205 (voice mail 24/7)   -   USA TEL +(1) 541-847-2257 (voicemail 24/7)